Octave, GNU Octave, Matlab, Scientific Computing, Language, Interpreter, Compiler, C++, LAPACK, Fortran, Fun , GNU

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Octave Graphics, XML and GUI's : Beginning (yet another... )

Im reposting some stuff from the June, 2007 Octave-Maintainers mailing list here,

HOWTO add a new graphics property

Shai Ayal shaiay at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 22:41:48 CDT 2007

Hi all,

I wrote this up just to have some simple guide with all the necessary
steps on how to add a new graphics property. Please have a look and
correct it if necessary. Hopefully when finalized this howto will
enable more people to contribute code.


how to add property pppp of type tttt to axes:
all functions mentioned below are in src/graphics.cc and src/graphics.h

in axes_properties class definition, add:

add code to initialize

add code to set ppp from an octave_value

add code to set the default value

axes::axes_properties::get (void) const
add code to return as a cell

axes::axes_properties::get (const property_name& name) const
add code to return as an octave_value

property_list::pval_map_type axes::axes_properties::factory_defaults
add the factory default vlaue for pppp

if the property is a child object, also modify

void axes::axes_properties::delete_children
void axes::axes_properties::remove_child

Also, I noticed this last month and a littler earlier to that, many new projects on Octave, including
  1. Qt-Octave, developed by from Spain
  2. Octave-XML, developed by Thomas Geiger, from Austria?.
Also people start talking about the GUI frontier for Octave, and
John Swensen explains how he runs Octave interpreter with the Octave GUI properly. I wonder if writing an evaluating parse tree is a solution.

Nice to see the ideas flowing, and what makes Octave the really the diverse community on a shared platform it is. Being, Indian, I can appreciate the micro-worlds in macro-world.


Octave-2-Matlab & Back (2)

Doxygen is such a nice tool. I cannot over emphasize its utility when trying to read a large codebase like GNU Octave's. So in trying to solve our parse-tree walker to convert Octave(Matlab) code to the other Matlab(Octave), we use the inheritance class list for GNU Octave Interpreter.

The following, is the class inheritance for the nodes on the parse-tree, that are in the AST. Now the interpreter or a conversion tool like Octave-2-Matlab will walk this tree. The AST Walker implements the visitor pattern supported by the tree object.

We can now look into the organization of the AST Walker, which is neatly documented/illustrated in this working piece of code at /cvs/octave/src/pt-pr-code.{cc|h}. This AST walker inherits from the base class as follows,

with tree_walker, a pure virtual base class, that encourages polymorphic design. Some of the members of tree_walker include

Now a debugger, code conversion tool, lint-like checker or whatever has to conveniently invoke the parser for the AST, and then walk it for whatever operations it needs to perform on the tree.

virtual void visit_index_expression (tree_index_expression &)=0
virtual void visit_matrix (tree_matrix &)=0
virtual void visit_cell (tree_cell &)=0
virtual void visit_multi_assignment (tree_multi_assignment &)=0
virtual void visit_no_op_command (tree_no_op_command &)=0
virtual void visit_constant (tree_constant &)=0
virtual void visit_fcn_handle (tree_fcn_handle &)=0
virtual void visit_parameter_list (tree_parameter_list &)=0

and many more functions that correspond to each language-object that derives from tree, and relevant functions that 'execute' that command or expression.

So the organization of all this code would start at the front end like:

   1 main
2 begin
3 AST=call-parser()
4 cwalk=Code_Converting_Walker(OCT2MAT)
5 cwalk.set_tree(AST)
6 cwalk.visit()
7 cleanup abracadabra
8 end
So that settles it all, if you know what to write within the pure virtual functions, visit_index_expression (tree_index_expression &)=0 and such. This conversion code is put simply in the previous blogpost by walking this tree in a post-order fashion.

Next time we could see how to write the Oct2Mat converter based on the parse tree, or atleast drive the tree-printer class code.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Speeding up / Vectorization of Octave code

There was a really interesting posts on the Help-Octave lists yesterday (25th) June where
a vectorization paradigm was elucidated. Here it is for the non-Octavers...

Paul Kienzle to Rob Teasdale
date Jun 25, 2007 9:34 PM
subject Re: Request help speeding up script

On Jun 25, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Rob Teasdale wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am still learning Octave, and I am still discovering new ways of
> optimising code. I have managed to vectorise a lot of my 'for' loops,
> and I have managed to speed my small script up dramatically, although
> I am having trouble with this last code snippet below. What I am
> trying to achieve is to calculate the area of a quadrilateral by the
> vector cross product of its diagonals. X, Y and Z contain the points
> that describe my mesh. I am sure that there is a way to vectorise at
> least part of this, and I would really appreciate any suggestions,
> [R C] = size(X); % all matrices the same size
> row = 0;
> for i = 1:(R-1)
> for j = 1:(C-1)
> P4 = [X(i,j) Y(i,j) Z(i,j)];
> P3 = [X(i,j+1) Y(i,j+1) Z(i,j+1)];
> P2 = [X(i+1,j+1) Y(i+1,j+1) Z(i+1,j+1)];
> P1 = [X(i+1,j) Y(i+1,j) Z(i+1,j)];
> p = P2-P4;
> q = P3-P1;
> row++
> r(row,:) = 0.5 * (cross(p,q)); % calculate the area
> endfor
> endfor

Here is a mechanical translation of your loop, producing 3-column
matrices p and q:

[m,n] = size(X);
I = 1:m-1;
J = 1:n-1;
P4 = [X(I,J)(:), Y(I,J)(:), Z(I,J)(:)];
P3 = [X(I,J+1)(:),Y(I,J+1)(:), Z(I,J+1)(:)];
P2 = [X(I+1,J+1)(:),Y(I+1,J+1)(:),Z(I+1,J+1)(:)];
P1 = [X(I+1,J)(:),Y(I+1,J)(:),Z(I+1,J)(:)];
p = P2-P4;
q = P3-P1;
r = 0.5 * cross(p,q);

Because you traverse by column rather than by row the results will be in a different order than you give. If for some reason you need your particular order, you can transpose X,Y,Z and swap P3 and P1.

- Paul

Now I wish I could do that, and what we call optimization.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Octave-2-Matlab and back

Octave-Lint (3)
A few more additional features that could be copied from existing tools in a similar areas. Immediately we can think of all the warnings that GCC would spit out, when you compile C/C++ code using 'gcc -Wall code.cc'. Specifically, flagging unused variables, data type conversions in known stdlibrary of Octave functions and such. Its time, I could show the code, instead of waxing eloquent about it. Just that I dont have anything to show.

Octave -> Matlab -> Octave
Next in a similar spirit of the AST walker static-checker we could also have a program transformation tool for converting Octave -> Matlab code. I could 'ask' for type inference whenever it is 'confused' by 'ambiguous' nature of the code. This is exciting, in terms of the possibilities it opens up for us. It is going to be a long project, but defnitely rewarding one.
The Octave parser is widely acknowledged on our mailing lists as a superset of Matlab
language. Using the Octave parser, you could in theory convert Matlab code the other-way
round too. Now this is double bonanza, a kind of buy-1 and you get-1 free. Am I excited?

The starting point of the program transformation tool would be from Paul Kienzle's work on
Oct2Mat conversion script. A few things are simple to understand, and require plain substituion. Paul's code does it using an AWK script, and clearly mentions not wanting to Octave's parse tree for doing the conversion. Paul attempts to do it using filters in AWK, and aims for an independent program for doing the conversion. Since our aims are to take advantage of whatever we have (GPL, Octave, Parser) then we can stand on the shoulders of giants instead of 'lets start at the very beginning, Do Re Mi'. Paul's code helps us easily identify the transformation rules to be applied.

The Octave->Matlab transformation rules, applied in Paul's code include
  1. gsub("#" , "%"); convert # to %
  2. gsub("[(][)]",""); convert () to ' ' as Matlab 4.0 and Octave-2.1.50 dont support empty arguments. This is not a problem anymore.
  3. gsub("gset[^;%]*;",""); a graphics command conversion.
  4. gsub("gset[^;]*%","%"); a graphics command conversion.
  5. gsub("gset[^;]*$",""); a graphics command conversion.
  6. gsub("endfunction",""); Octave has endif, endfor, endfunction etc, so those get converted to end, or in Matlab nothing at all. Infact Matlab complains if you have the end keyword at the end of a function file.
  7. gsub("endif","end"); Same as 6.
  8. gsub("endwhile","end"); Same as 6.
  9. gsub("endfor","end"); Same as 6.
  10. gsub("end_try_catch","end"); Same as 6.
  11. gsub(/&&/,"\\&"); Matlab didnot have the short circuit logical operators initially, so we had to use the logical &.
  12. gsub("SEEK_CUR",0); They also seemingly lacked options for STDIO processing.
  13. gsub("SEEK_END",1); Same as 12.
  14. gsub("SEEK_SET",-1); Same as 12.
  15. gsub("usage","error"); Our usage() and print_usage() are replaced by error() function.
  16. gsub("__error_text__","lasterr"); Some Octave specific code
  17. gsub("unwind_protect_cleanup",""); Again Octave was first here, w.r.t try/catch ...
  18. gsub("end_unwind_protect",""); ... doing it the LISP way.
  19. gsub("unwind_protect",""); Same as [17, 18].
  20. gsub(/\|\|/,"|"); Logical short-circuit OR operator was NOT there in Matlab first. We got here earlier.
  21. gsub("!","~"); They dont know whats Not !
  22. gsub("[\\]$","..."); Line continuations are OK for us. Not them!

These rules are easily loaded as actions for a AST walker, for operators in Octave. We just generate the do_convert_oct_to_mat() on each node. As an example, the node for the operator short-circuit && will have the conversion rule embedded in this routine as follows,

string short_ckt_and::do_convert_oct_to_mat() {
str=l_str + " & " + r_str;
return str;

So basically it would be a really syntactically correct way of doing things for bulilding transformation tools from the existing code base. As explained earlied since Octave being a superset of Matlab we could also turn the world the other-way round.

Ofcourse the validity of the converter can be verified by doing the rountripping, O-2-M-2-O and running the code to see if we have the regression tests validated. John Eaton (JWE), has a set of regression cases for parser, which is again something we can re-use.

It would be fun to see this happen, and I suspect this is much lower hanging fruit than writing an evaluating AST-walker for building the profiler or a debugger.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Octave-Lint (2)

Much as I'd like to be informal, being private remains a greater love. Thinking about the previous post on Octave-Lint over lunch, a few more useful features suggested themselves. In the spirit of a note-to-self I document them here. I know looking into places like Pychecker or Pylint can save
us time.

Things that make syntactic sense but no semantic sense, and pass the parser, but which Lint must trap.
  1. x=x+ stdfunc(arg); %here if the Lint knows the standard Octave functions it has a clue to the return value and can do a little bit of type-checking analysis to figure out warnings and such. Eg: x = x + strlen('hello world') ; makes sense, but on the other hand, y = y + getenv("HOME") would probably not!, and z = strcat(system('ls'),'files') definitely doesn't make any sense. Lint knows system() always returns a single integer as its first value, and that is incompatible with strcat(). Such analysis is not performed statically, and one can discover such problems only at runtime; expensive, in my opinion.
  2. Indexing over-flow / under-flow options. In modern programming languages (Java, Python?) indexing over-flow under-flow can be flagged at runtime exceptions, or even better statically discovered from code. Now for Octave, matrices & vectors are indexed starting at 1, which lets use compute and flag array/vector indices that seem to underflow. In this type of analysis the direct algorithm would be to pick & flag usage such as array(index) | index <= 0 or index is non-integral. For directly -ve indices this is uncommon; we may catch a few 0-index usages, and sometimes usage of fractional indices. The key problem remains to identify computed indices that may underflow or overflow. Overflow is also another important problem for most programs, where arrays tend to be pre-allocated, and not x=[x; new_row]; style.
  3. Matrix dimension conformity in cases where we do products. This is a minefield I step into every now and then. Multiplying 2 matrices Amxn * Bnxl = Cmxl. This conformity rule of Matrix multiplication must be enforced to flag errors at compile time when we have an idea of the program dimensions. This will be tricky to implement.
  4. Misspelt variables can be suggested through looking up the symbol table accumulated during the parse-tree walking phase. String edit distance algorithms will be useful here.
  5. Redefined / modified pre-defined constants can be flagged as errors/warnings. Candidates like i, e, eps, pi, are immutable for me. Typically many programmers write for i=1:10; end and tend to use loop index after the loop, which can be 'caught' by Lint.
Essentially, learned behaviour of a experienced programmer can be taught to the machine, as rules specified by lint, and we could improve the range of tools available for users to fallback on.

I have a post soon on Fortran & Octave, working with LAPACK and known design issues in such an interface.


Saturday, June 16, 2007


This tool will possibly use the existing parser, and walk the AST to figure out
syntactically correct but semantically wrong constructs statically. This could mean
things in the BNF like stmt: expr op expr which can match semantically wrong constructs
due to compile time invisibily/scoping issues as in x = x + 1 . This statement is wrong
because variable x is un-initialized. So such errors can be discovered using Octave-lint, when someone writes it.

Essentially a bare-bones algorithms would involve
  1. Parse the file & report errors if any.
  2. If no errors, start the (Left-Right-Root) post-order traversal, of the AST.
  3. At each visitor try and note down order of variables into a static table.
    1. Note down variable creation
    2. Flag suspicious variables
    3. Flag undefined variables
    4. Flag possible 'typos' of variables by Levenshtein distance of the misspelt / undefined variable name with variables on the table. Min of this metric must give us a possible suggestion for the wrong typo variable.
    5. Have more heuristic error cases to be trapped in the visitor, based on static tables.
  4. Finally the collected errors/warnings are reported to user, based on input options.
  5. Additional tuning can be done to run Lint on a set of files, with functions defined elsewhere, and rules for specific usage.

I think this would make a really nice project for someone who wants to learn C++ basics and hack on a real piece of software. It would be a great first-dip into the Free Software Ocean.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Octave 3.0

For the 3.0 Octave community is actively working on the graphics end. A funny thread was posted about the trademarking of the word 'handle graphics' by Matlab. The term ''handle'' itself, however seems to have been used by X-window system, and even Microsoft since early 80's and 90's.

As for the graphics implementation support on the Octave front is completely being rewritten and we have handles implemented deep within the Octave type system in the interpreter. This is good news, with the development headed by John Eaton, himself.

A interesting development is the jhandles and Java Graphing tools in Octave-Forge by Michael Giffoul. I havent personally checked out the tools, still they look promising with the GPL'ing of Java itself, and the nice 3D capabilities of Java Graph. I wonder how fast it can show a mesh of 500x500 matrix.

Anyway, so hope to use a nice
graphics-handle system in Octave, pretty soon!


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